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ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography

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1664. no author cited, “Surface treatment,”, 2005.

1689. no author cited, “High definition corona treatment yields superior results,” Flexible Packaging, 10, 35, (Feb 2008).

1716. no author cited, “Laboratory uniformity program protocol for dyne level test,” Consolidated Thermoplastics, 1993.

1719. no author cited, “Surface free energy of ABS plastic,” Top Analytica Ltd., 0.

1721. no author cited, “Surface tension values of some common test liquids for surface energy analysis,”, Nov 2006.

1722. no author cited, “Solid surface energy data (SFE) for common polymers,”, Nov 2007.

1724. no author cited, “Surface free energy of polymers - Optimisation of the determination of polymer surface free energy,” Materials Australia, 33, (Dec 2001).

2128. no author cited, “Dyne level measurement: Technical instruction on how to use surface tension/wettability tester,”, 2007.

2130. no author cited, “Factors affecting treater roll durability,”, 2007.

2132. no author cited, “The role of a glass dielectric in film treatment,”, 2007.

2133. no author cited, “Treater roll maintenance considerations,”, 2007.

2134. no author cited, “The gentle art of pretreating,” Coating, 20-24, (Jan 2007).

2135. no author cited, “Corona: An evolving process,” Converting Today, 19, (Apr 2007).

2137. no author cited, “Reliable solutions - corona treatment from simple to sophisticated,” Flexo & Gravure International, 86-87, (Feb 2006).

2138. no author cited, “Measuring surface tension of plastic films (per DIN ISO 8296),”,

2139. no author cited, “Corona treatment in practice,”,

2140. no author cited, “Corona pretreatment to obtain wettability and adhesion,”,

2141. no author cited, “Corona treatment in the printing and converting industry,”,

2151. no author cited, “Functional sites on non-polymeric materials: Gas plasma treatment and surface analysis,”,

2153. no author cited, “Contact angle measurements,” ASTM Standardization News, 37, 51, (May 2009).

2156. no author cited, “New web treatment process combines corona and coating,” Plastics Technology, 55, 21, (Jun 2009).

2157. no author cited, “Two new coatings-related standards released by ASTM International,” JCT CoatingsTech, 6, 19, (Jun 2009).

2164. no author cited, “Research Report D20-1236: Interlaboratory study to establish precision statements for ASTM D2578, Standard Test Method for Wetting Tension of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Films,” ASTM International, Jul 2003.

2190. no author cited, “Surface treatment trouble shooting: General reasons for 'unwanted' backside corona treatment,”,

2191. no author cited, “Surface treatment trouble shooting: 'Covered roll' vs. 'uncovered roll' treater stations,”,

2192. no author cited, “Surface treatment trouble shooting: Why can't I achieve the dyne levels I once could?,”,

2199. no author cited, “Useful corona treatment information: Advancements in corona treatment for the narrow web market,”,

2200. no author cited, “Useful information: Corona treater dielectrics,”,

2202. no author cited, “Useful surface treatment information: Should you be 'bump' treating?,”,

2203. no author cited, “Useful information: The surface tension phenomenon,”,

2204. no author cited, “Useful information: Corona treatment theory,”,

2205. no author cited, “Trouble shooting: How often should you clean your electrodes?,”,

2240. no author cited, “Enercon shows new surface treating process,” Label & Narrow Web, 16, 20-21, (May 2011).

2328. no author cited, “Guide to corona treatment,” Modern Plastics, 38, 199-202+, (Sep 1961).

2454. no author cited, “Wetting tension test solutions and methods,”, 2012.

2455. no author cited, “Using dyne pens and solutions to measure surface energy,”, 2012.

2457. no author cited, “Measuring surface energy on non-woven substrates,”, 2012.

2458. no author cited, “Surface energy & poor adhesion: Corona treatment optimizes film's performance on press,” Flexo, 38, 46-47, (Mar 2013).

2469. no author cited, “Bonding low surface energy plastics,” Machine Design, 0, (Jun 2000).

2478. no author cited, “International Standard ISO 8296-2013: Plastics - film and sheeting - determination of wetting tension,” International Standards Organization, 2013.


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