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ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography

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631. Dole, M., “Surface tension measurements,” in Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis, Vol. II, Berl, W.G., ed., 305-332, 1950.

636. Vaha-Nassi, M., T. Hirvikorpi, J. Sievanen, E. Salo, and A. Harlin, “Effect of pre-treatments on the barrier properties of layers applied by atomic layer deposition onto polymer-coated substrates,” Presented at 13th TAPPI European PLACE Conference, 2011.

702. Marmur, A., “Theory and measurement of contact angles,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

703. Voelkel, A., E. Andrzejewska, R. Maga, and M. Andrzejewski, “Dispersive and acid-base properties of poly(dimethacrylate)s surfaces,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

704. Mangipudi, V.S., M. Tirrell, and A.V. Pocius, “The use of the surface forces apparatus in the study of adhesion: polymer solid surface energies and the effect of surface treatment,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

705. Willard, N.P., A.R. Balkenende, H.J.A.P. van de Boogaard, and M. Scholten, “Assessment of the surface free energy of low-energy solids by means of contact angle measurements,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

706. Doren, A., Y. Adriaensen, and P.G. Rouxhet, “Dynamic study of wetting: changes in surface properties of polymers in response to various pH's,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

707. Wu., D.Y., W.S. Gutowski, and S. Li, “Surface engineering of polymers for enhanced adhesion,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

708. Sadras, B., P. Laurens, and F. Decobert, “Excimer laser treatment of thermoplastics for adhesive bonding,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

709. Leonard, D., P. Bertrand, A. Scheuer, R. Prat, and J.P. Deville, “TOF-SIMS and in situ study of O2-N2 afterglow discharge plasma-modified PMMA, PE and hexatriacontane surfaces,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

710. O'Kell, S., S.D. Pringle, and C. Jones, “Plasma interactions with a polyethylene surface studied by AFM and XPS,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

711. Li, S., D.Y. Wu, W.S. Gutowski, and H.J. Griesser, “Surface dynamics and adhesive bonding of plasma-treated polyolefins and fluoropolymers,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

712. Friedrich, J.F., W. Unger, A. Lippitz, L. Wigant, et al, “Differences in surface oxidation of PP by corona, spark, and low-pressure oxygen discharge treatments and the relevance to adhesion,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

713. Shahidzadeh-Ahmadi, N., F. Arefi-Khonsari, M.M. Chehimi, and J. Amouroux, “Modification of the physicochemical properties of oxygen plasma treated polypropylene,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

714. Breuer, J., H. Schafer, V. Schlett, S. Metev, G. Sepold, and O.-D. Hennemann, “Adherence enhancement of polymers with low surface energy by excimer laser radiation,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

715. LeGierse, P.E.J., “Adhesion improvement of ink to polymers by laser activation,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

716. Kuusipalo, J.T., and A.V. Savolainen, “Adhesion phenomena in (co)extrusion coating of paper and paperboard,” Presented at First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology, Oct 1995.

1100. McLaughlin, J.B., S.S. Suppiah, N. Moumen, and R.S. Subramanian, “Modeling of drop motion on solid surfaces with wettability gradients,” Presented at 12th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2004.

1101. Blake, T.D., R.A. Dobson, and K.J. Ruschak, “Wetting at high capillary numbers,” Presented at 12th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2004.

1321. Neumann, A.W., “The temperature dependence of surface energetics,” in Fourth International Congress of Surface Activity, 335-341, 1964.

1344. Brewis, D.M., “Surface modification of fluoropolymers for adhesion,” Presented at Fluoropolymers Conference, 1992.

1355. Larner, M., and S.L. Kaplan, “The challenge of plasma processing - its diversity,” Presented at ASM Materials and Processes for Medical Devices Conference, Aug 2004.

1369. Sabreen, S., “Surface treatments for electronic components - solutions for adhesive bonding problems,” Presented at NEPCON West, 1993.

1443. Badey, J.P., E. Espuche, Y. Jugnet, T.M. Duc, and B. Chabert, “Surface modification of PTFE by microwave plasma downstream treatment to improve adhesion with an epoxy matrix,” in Euradh '94 Conference Proceedings, 386-389, Sep 1994.

1456. Kaplan, S.L., and P.W. Rose, “Plasma surface treatment of plastics to enhance adhesion,” in Adhesion '90, 4/1-4/7, Sep 1990.

1457. Hansen, G.P., R.A. Rushing, R.W. Warrent, S.L. Kaplan, and O.S. Kolluri, “Achieving optimum bond strength with plasma treatment,” in Adhesives '89, Sep 1989.

1460. Mascia, L., G.E. Carr, and P. Kember, “Adhesion enhancement of PTFE by plasma treatment,” in Adhesion '87, 22/1-22/19, Sep 1987.

1505. Blake, T.D., “The physics of moving wetting lines - a personal view,” Presented at ISCST 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2006.

1506. Rame, E., and S. Garoff, “Spreading of liquids on solid surfaces: pure fluids,” Presented at ISCST 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2006.

1507. Alam, P., M. Toivakka, K. Backfolk, and P. Sirvio, “Dynamic spreading and absorption of impacting droplets on topographically irregular porous substrates,” Presented at ISCST 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2006.

1508. Diaz Martin, E., J. Fuentes, M. Savage, amd R. Cerro, “Static contact angles: The fully augmented Young-Laplace equation,” Presented at ISCST 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2006.

1704. Song, S., and F. Placido, “Effect on adhesion of gas release from polymer surfaces,” Presented at 51st Annual Technical Conference, Society of Vacuum Coaters, Apr 2008.

2065. Mesic. B., M. Lestelius, G. Engstrom, and B. Edholm, “Printability of PE-coated paper-board using water-based flexographic ink,” Presented at Surf-Treat Karlstad 2003, 2003.

2218. Kaplan, S.L., and W.P. Hansen, “Plasma - the environmentally safe method to prepare plastics and composites for adhesive bonding and painting,” Presented at SAMPE Environmental Symposium, May 1991.

2336. Lahti, J., K. Eiroma, T.-M. Tenhunen, M. Pykonen, M. Toivakka, and M. Tuominen, “Atmospheric plasma treatment of plastic packaging film: Effects on surface properties and UV inkjet printability,” Presented at 13th TAPPI European PLACE Conference, 2011.

2340. Forster, F., “Atmospheric pressure plasmas in converting,” Presented at 13th TAPPI European PLACE Conference, 2011.

2341. Wolf, R.A., “UV flexo ink composition and surface treatment effects on adhesion to flexible packaging,” Presented at 13th TAPPI European PLACE Conference, 2011.

2588. Idacavage, M.J., “Achieving adhesion to difficult metal and plastic substrates,” Presented at RadTech 2014, May 2014.

2589. Leighty, J., “Light curable adhesives for automotive and electronic applications and the benefit of surface treatment,” Presented at RadTech 2014, May 2014.

2626. Henry, E.B., “Determination of the surface energy for UV-curable, easy-release coatings,” Presented at RadTech 2016, May 2016.


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