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ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography

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2485. Rulison, C., “Adhesion energy and interfacial tension - two related coating/substrate interfacial properties: Which is more important for your application, and why?,”, Jan 2003.

2621. Rulison, C., “Effect of temperature on the surface energy of solids - sometimes it does matter,” Kruss Application Note AN250e, Dec 2005.

3017. Rulison, C., “Two-component surface energy characterization as a predictor of wettabiltiy and dispersability,” Kruss Application Report AR213e, Jan 2000.

2373. Runck, W.A., “Corona discharge treatment roll,” U.S. Patent 4402888, Sep 1983.

The present invention relates to improvements in treatment rolls for the corona discharge treatment of polymeric films whereby the same are rendered receptive to printing inks and the like. More particularly, the invention is directed to a treatment roll and method for use as an electrode in a corona discharge device, the roll being comprised of a metal substrate having a porous ceramic coating, the interstices in said coating being filled with silicone polymer, the roll evincing a high resistance to wear and electrical breakdown, whereby higher volumes of material may be processed.

2000. Ryley, D.J., and B.H. Khoshaim, “A new method of determining the contact angle made by a sessile drop upon a horizontal surface (sessile drop contact angle),” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 59, 243-251, (Apr 1977).

The contact angle may be measured by magnifying the projected image of a sessile drop, assuming the profile is elliptical, and finding the Cartesian coordinates of selected points on the profile. By selecting groups of three such points the mean equation to the outline can be determined and thus the tangent at the observed point of contact. The method was tested using water drops on various steel surfaces and using mercury on glass. Results showed generally satisfactory agreement with those obtained using the tilting plate method and also with those obtained by other investigators who have employed analytical methods to define the drop shape. If the sessile drop shape is assumed to be a part-oblate spheroid, a minimum free-energy analysis illuminates several experimentally observed features of its shape.

1117. Ryu, D.Y., K. Shin, E. Drockenmuller, C.J. Hawker, and T.P. Russell, “A generalized approach to the modification of solid surfaces,” Science, 308, 236-238, (Apr 2005).

Interfacial interactions underpin phenomena ranging from adhesion to surface wetting. Here, we describe a simple, rapid, and robust approach to modifying solid surfaces, based on an ultrathin cross-linkable film of a random copolymer, which does not rely on specific surface chemistries. Specifically, thin films of benzocyclobutene-functionalized random copolymers of styrene and methyl methacrylate were spin coated or transferred, then thermally cross-linked on a wide variety of metal, metal oxide, semiconductor, and polymeric surfaces, producing a coating with a controlled thickness and well-defined surface energy. The process described can be easily implemented and adapted to other systems.

1369. Sabreen, S., “Surface treatments for electronic components - solutions for adhesive bonding problems,” Presented at NEPCON West, 1993.

1178. Sabreen, S.R., “Question: Surface wetting,” Plastics Decorating, 46, (Apr 2006).

1179. Sabreen, S.R., “Question: Corona discharge and flame surface pretreatment methods,” Plastics Decorating, 46, (Apr 2006).

1532. Sabreen, S.R., “Question: flame plasma surface treatment,” Plastics Decorating, 45-46, (Jan 2007).

1556. Sabreen, S.R., “Technology developments for digital applications,” Plastics Decorating, 20-25, (Apr 2007).

2158. Sabreen, S.R., “Surface wetting procedure using dyne solutions,”,

2160. Sabreen, S.R., “Basics of surface wetting and pretreatment methods,”,

2220. Sabreen, S.R., “Cold gas plasma surface modification: Optimize plastics bonding adhesion,” Plastics Decorating, 6-10, (Jan 2010).

2222. Sabreen, S.R., “The science of solving plastics adhesion problems: Contact angles, surface wetting, chemical activation,” Plastics Decorating, 26-28, (Apr 2010).

2233. Sabreen, S.R., “Solving the problem of plastics adhesion,” Plastics Engineering, 67, 6-8, (Apr 2011).

2435. Sabreen, S.R., “Plastics surface energy wetting test methods,”, Mar 2012.

2441. Sabreen, S.R., “Fluorooxidation: A breakthrough surface pretreatment,” Plastics Decorating, 14-16, (Apr 2012).

2463. Sabreen, S.R., “Fluorooxidation surface pretreatment,”, Jun 2013.

2464. Sabreen, S.R., “Cold gas plasma treatment - best practices (Best of the Plastics Decorating blog),” Plastics Decorating, 19, (Apr 2013).

2465. Sabreen, S.R., “The fundamentals of flame treatment,”, May 2013.

2468. Sabreen, S.R., “Innovative inkjet technologies for plastic products,” Plastics Decorating, 14-21, (Jul 2013).

2471. Sabreen, S.R., “Plastics surface energy wetting test methods,”, Jul 2013.

2452. Sabreen, S.R., “Plastics surface energy wetting test methods,” Plastics Decorating, 23-24, (Jul 2012).

2461. Sabreen, S.R., “Q & A: Process solutions for adhesion bonding of nylon,”, Oct 2012.

2466. Sabreen, S.R., “How coloring plastic affects secondary processes,”, Apr 2013.

2470. Sabreen, S.R., “Adhesion bonding of polyphenylene sulfide,”, Aug 2013.

2476. Sabreen, S.R., “Gas-phase surface pretreatment for plastics adhesion,”, Sep 2013.

2585. Sabreen, S.R., “Methods for adhesion bonding of polyphenylene sulfide,” Plastics Decorating, 32-38, (Oct 2013).

2590. Sabreen, S.R., “Surface wetting & pretreatment methods,”, 2013.

2591. Sabreen, S.R., “Gas-phase surface pretreatments for plastics adhesion,” Plastics Decorating, 31-34, (Apr 2014).

2594. Sabreen, S.R., “Innovating inkjet technologies for plastic products,”, Dec 2013.

2596. Sabreen, S.R., “Q & A: Process solutions for adhesion bonding of nylon,”, Jan 2014.

2610. Sabreen, S.R., “Best practices for bonding semi-crystalline thermoplastics,” Plastics Decorating, 27-29, (Jan 2015).

2616. Sabreen, S.R., “Industrial inkjet printing onto wearables,” Plastics Decorating, 16-20, (Jul 2015).

2620. Sabreen, S.R., “Best process practices for polyamide (nylon) adhesion bonding,”, Nov 2015.

2696. Sabreen, S.R., “Surface pretreatments and custom inks advance inkjet printing of plastics and films,” Plastics Decorating, 32-37, (Jul 2017).

2731. Sabreen, S.R., “Plasma surface pretreatments of polymers for improved adhesion bonding,” Plastics Decorating, 44-49, (Apr 2018).

2792. Sabreen, S.R., “Adhesion enhancement of UV-cure inks onto polymers by gas-phase plasma pretreatments,” UV + EB Technology, 5, 43-50, (Feb 2019).

2794. Sabreen, S.R., “Inkjet printing and adhesion of low surface energy polymers,” Plastics Decorating, 26-28, (Apr 2019).


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