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Products available online direct from the manufacturer

Wet Film Thickness Gauges

Inmont Type S Wet Film Thickness Gauges

These gauges accurately measure the wet film thickness of inks, coatings, gels, adhesives, paints, and almost any other wet film applied to flat or cylindrical surfaces. They are fabricated from stainless steel for long life and easy cleaning, and can make measurements on moving surfaces.

Meets ASTM D-1212 and ISO 2808.

For any coating, thickness of application is of paramount importance: Too thin a film will exhibit poor hiding power and inadequate protective properties. Overly thick coatings inflate cost and often result in a loss in intended physical properties. These gages help ensure optimum coating performance at minimal cost. All models have an accuracy of +/- 0.0001" (2.5 μm) or 2.5% of full scale, whichever is greater. The Type S models are intended for general use. Type R, with a rotating scale, and Type L, with low inertia and a rotating scale, are also available by special order. Clean with appropriate solvent immediately after use.

We ship via ground service prepaid at no charge to all U.S. commercial addresses, and correspondingly discount all residential and air shipments. Minimum order $40.00.


Type Tot. Range Rec. Usable Range Res. Code Price Quantity
S 0 - 1 mil 0.2 - 0.8 mil 0.05 mil 22001 $426.50
S 0 - 2 mils 0.4 - 1.6 mils 0.1 mil 22002 $426.50
S 0 - 4 mils 0.8 - 3.2 mils 0.2
22004 $415.00
S 2 - 12 mils 3 - 11 mils 0.5 mil 22012 $415.00
S 10 - 30 mils 11 - 20 mils 1.0 mil 22030 $415.00
Optional Handle 22098 $278.50

Notched Aluminum Wet Film Gages

Notched aluminum wet film thickness gage Simple, inexpensive, ASTMD-4414 approved;
28 increments – 1 to 80 mils

Average dimensional accuracy /- 0.2 mils (5 microns). Measures wet film thickness on any flat, smooth surface. Micron scale and full instructions printed on back side. 2.25" x 3.25" x .034" aluminum.

Quantity Unit Price
1-5 $3.15
6-11 $2.70
12 - 47 $2.40
48 - 95 $2.20
>95 $2.00
Prod Code Quantity
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